OCR text
jox=Y,Wict-r-¥ L010) BY,Xe (ole) ae >a mo a pecop (ets (aiferg NE Cee: 62) OINVLOG Facey 5S Approbavit M. Dogan \4¥\ B. BALANSA, PL, D'ORIENT,1855. ; Webypegon corey alias, UW IY Gein Qe Merten bed eed. . en Ge ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN | oe se os * = EDINBURGH | HERBARIUM OF JOHN BALL, F-R.8. | | | | PRESENTED BY His T'RusTEES, 1891. RESENTE ‘RUSTEES, 00369635
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet