OCR text
Cas! a + ae er tiie oat Revision of Aegilops Aegilops triaristata Willd. (=fre. sala = ROYAL Botanic 2 GARDEN (Req - Ce Bont. \ e \ é det. ..M....van..Slageren 6.9 194 2 E x ae Herbarium Vadense (WAG) J | t ROYAL BOTAN on RDEN a | 00 poenseses yuHUAdOO ected by B. T. Lowne. 1863-4 Os hes Googe © onan : ee is DD, | ey 47 Se | Rea Werps binmerodar Vis, - : CSaan, Ae. Rarwrcte Heel ct) : them 2 j | Determinavit P. H. Davis |4@a ————— fi Revision of Aegilops Aegilops ovata L. ax oe rT 19a 3 egQobs briuntolis Vis, _ det. M...van.S.lagere QFE, 19.4.2. A “ iS ee AES Herbarium i Vadense: (WAG) C n Ve Voanwktis Meebst ) F Syn | ' | Determinavit P. H. Davis (Son 9 es _rnmtnmnteomnammneneetseanamesn
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