OCR text
imines ee ee “ “ Sah arn RP SR Ney EX HERB. GREVILLE. a ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN G) EDINBURGH | C 5 Atiolobiam jeorpgieedey IC, | E00359843 ~" Lauter. racy, Phanh) tat fex=y,Wi-\-t-¥ BLUL) BAe [ele] DINVLOG IVAOU Ornithonus scorpioides Lin, Unio itineraria, In agris Smyrnae ; 1827, Fleischer. Aprili. (i) ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH | E00359841 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH _ : E00359842 det./rev. Fi. Schmidt. Berlin 19 74 L fa es , ay Le Of fex Lt *Gh-L“-v eae fee eee
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