OCR text
HERB. HORT. EDINB. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN ee EDINBURGH Ras RIG xo} o Pd +e o 77) oO ps oa) a} = Sn ) 2. fo} io) Banrain Tanvsan AVENUE (5. END) Les (A, ) btn ome Vi-oraa Cea A eluwop us Lagepot r os near 27 Lo Se "y We porns ahle pier’ hata rg r an Ae oepe: fy Pes, s lua ae Dhale nee aa Firs. pele ac anthers yple. Seen for p te FLORA OF ARABIA ‘ Aleve ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN ( Ik Ow ay | 95 MAYIV8S M,CoRNES - 324 E00358277
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