OCR text
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E00355053 EX MUS. BOT. UNIV., HELSINKI (Hy fl ELSINKI BOTANICAL MUSEUM OF UNIVERSITY OF HE Pinnish Botanical Expedition to West-Central Asia 1972 Holoschéenus vulgaris (U.) Wek. det. A.Huber-Morath 1974 ‘TURKEY. Izmit. A few km E of Ushtidar. Ca. 2 km E of road crossing to Maltepe on the road Istanbul - Izmit. : Roadside, in sand by the ditch. Alt. 80 m. ; Sept. 1,1972 leg. Mauri—Korhonen No. Ilkka Kukkonen No. 8371 Pertti-Uotila No. copyright reserved
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