OCR text
UNIVERSITY HERBARS DEPT. OF PLANT SCIENCES DOWNING STREET CAMBRIDGE CB2 3EA ENGLAND xo} o Ps = ® n cy Pes ~ <= f°?) = > Qa ° oO FLORA OF GREECE Trifolium campestre Schreb. W side of Frango Kastello, Frango Kastello, Crete. Sandy ground at landward end of winter-wet marsh Ce landward of beach, with T. angustifolium, another form ] of T. campestre (94/59), T. resupinatum, T. sp. (94/58), Parentucellia sp. etc. Flowers initially 'old gold',a (| yellow-copper colour, fading to straw colour (very pale brown); no tint of violet on faded petals. C.D. Preston #94/60 6 May 1994 {f Determination: f Cambridge University Herbarium (CGE) ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH UT E01278246
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