OCR text
ey: o NS He De er, eT Be. — BNC BO Sa 7 U ‘i Nea) bl SEES \< Aa a Sw Ax ‘ wg s : ty 44 i a pt 2s rN ge iP al i. rock SPIRIT COLLECTION ; HERB. HORT. BOT. REG. EDIN. flower, shem pekole Contam maculatml. v.c. 3 South Mevon : Hacpford ; steep bank Bont BOTAN OREN at side of road fy Tipton Stjoln; very common, Erect & OG bk branched feunr base ; tap MN me ae oe sea , Slew pee a des (¢ petioles) hollow, ge 1" Avan... af base, purple spotied and witra glaucous bloom; Meals white, notched , equal - SEE CQLOUR SLIDE COLLECTION Goll. J.lamond Unb.q, te. 4 June 407 G-Evaus " dr. Sepk. 1407 copyright reserved cm
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