OCR text
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH NM — er E01219772 Gf De. Z L hacdgver a ec Ni : u ralhce. Coll. Dr. Leo of Metz. Comm. Charles C. Babington. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDE EDINBURGH AM Mh ROYAL BOTANIC GAROEN E01219771 EDINBURGH a ITI 9773 : | MooBo ea Z. _ —_F Ufo tA 13% idle Pkg | | fen yee oo4? | heen: ths Xe fag bbs ty j | Collected in the Azores. 1842. HEWETT C. WATSON. xo) ® Pa Sew cc) 77) o tem aad = = 7 > a ° tS) M@00589
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