OCR text
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH copyright reserved ; No. A/ yo Ry Coll. GHORGH FORREST, ! 1 ties, Pune 1922, Alt. ere by, Om AG : agai ; «1 fees cae Kat, 2 8? eee Sige ay’ é A btad- af Choma of .. Rhododo.dran finegrende var, boeale 1459. ia . oa) | is. Note, Rey. Bet: Gad Ed. (1426) hha Ro-As JS orrntys Hirky eS apt {- cha isft Yee Di Oe g z : Cotype ofArnnr ear bite pl. Om Ahm dardten dir noe ny ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Ou
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