OCR text
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E01189322 Catharanthus Poseus (4 J¢ Dov (2Vinca veseg L. ager € in Makad ast call. an A ualuralie 2ed im all Evep; iCal . , OSP: near Coasts) Det. A. J. M. Leeuwenberg, 19..€..... Herbarium Vadense (WAG) HERB, THE YOKOHAMA NURSERY CO., LTD. YOKOHAMA, JAPAN. ———+ wer -___ byes | Beata co a | Japanese name :-2.'2hr.202- 22H A. ea sheeocatt nen oe §| Locality :. i Date: — 26h 192 b, ao] cH) Pa a ri o a a = fey] y= I) 2. fe} ce)
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