OCR text
Meee589 ao] ci Pd i o n C3) tw aod on f°) = ) 2 ° o Approbavit I. C. Hence Wack (469 FLORA OF Gy¢eladcde NAME On tien 1. . P if . Locatity On ree Activin Jangatha = A gta HaBITaT ALT, REMARKS “ woithy whee tx. Gg rowing ieee ty the Ly he . ¢ d 7 < | ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN A 2 ‘ EDINBURGH Coutecror —. - Aavto Rer. No. /Z2) wi a x (14098) Wt.74226/43 10m(4) 3/51 L.& S. G67.
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