OCR text
~ N mm fax) 2 = ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH Veronica P0LITA..FRIES copyright reserved A, det. /rev, Manfred ‘Fischer nT, Pairs Botaniaches Institut de: + OKT, 1978-8 --- Universitat Wien, Herbarivi WU | Vv REV... PRO FLORA IRANIC A “ FLORA OF IRAN Veronica polite FRIES Fars, Kuh-i-Saidun, Ledges on W., S.W. and N.W. facing limestone cliffs. Pale blue: annual: not numerous. NIC GARDEN ROYAL BOTA Mtece 2230.) om 10 April 1966 wii es Ce £01065497 A. Manfred Frsehor 1°24 4 oy SRN
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