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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH UUM \9° E01065477 ; ner erem. TAC cece Veronica..... B* rece, 16 A. Gatley. Manfred ‘Fischer wit uy Bctnntes In er BOTANICAL MUSEUM OF UNIVERSITY OF HELSINKI Finnish Botanical Expedition to West-Central Asia 1972 Veronica persica Poir. det. Huber-—Morath 1974 TURKEY. Izmit. (Loc. 58.) 4 km E of Saraco$lu motel, on the road E 5 to Ankara. Wet, clayey meadow. ALES 40m. ADELL ee oy leg. Ilkka Kukkonen No. 5346 Pertti totita—ne- sg copyright reserved
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