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Family: Convolvulaceae
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Convolvulus sabatius Viv.
Filing region: North Africa
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00507206
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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E00507206 HERBARIUM OF JOHN BALL, F.R.S. PreEsmntED By His TRusrHEs, 1891. Iter Africanum, 1880, a Ex Algerize provincia, Constantine. Febr. 1880. J, Ball, Convolvulus Pra eu Wa Det.: F. Saad Utrecht, _A_ 196 } |
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Family: Convolvulaceae
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Convolvulus sabatius Viv.
Filing region: Cultivated
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00507666
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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E0050766 | 6 | ) oS Garten Specimen, BENTHALL. cf. 44 8 & é 8)S eS Orvis Sit-ecliicc, Vir-. . Cipy phe Mice, | 3 ast Collected by GEORGE MAW. lifrA (8 5: HERBARIUM OF JOHN BALL, F.R.S. 2, es Presenrep By HIs Trustens, 1891. B ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Py , i EDINBURGH copyright reserved
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Convolvulaceae
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Convolvulus sabatius Viv.
Filing region: Europe excl. Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00499105
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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN | wii E00499105 | ae ae ee ee a Og Lae FLORA ITALICA EXSICOATA curantibus Adr. Fiori, A. Béguinot, 1. Pampanini 328. Convolyulus sabatius Viv. Fl. Lib. spec., Pp. 67 (1824). Syn. C. mauritanicus Boiss. (1839-45). — C. pseudo - siculus 8 multiflorus Chois. (1845). Loc. Liguria oceid. — Circond. Ui Savona: in rupibus calcareis ' apricis ad promontorium 7 oli (loc. class.) alt. 5-276 m. — wy 4 Jun. 1905. SS td reserved Convolvulus Sehewes Vip: ea she — Oss. — Oceupa una parete rocciosa quasi verticale, dell’ area di circa mezzo chilometro quadrato, limitata da una linea che s‘innalza un chilometro da Noli, giunge al Semaforo (276 m.), e seguendo il ciglio della rupe va ad una vecchia torre (241 m.), da cui discende al mare un po’ asud del luogo detto Malpasso. In Italia questa specie fu pure trovata presso Alassio dal Bicknell (#7. of Bord. and S. Remo, App. Til, p. 331), negli uliveti di Cervo dal Gherardi (Bertoloni, #7. %., V, p. 611), @ Varazze (?) dal Carrega (Erb. Centr. Ital.) e sul promontorio di Portofino durante il Con- gresso botanico internazionale del 1892 (cfr. Atti, p- 126). In Algeria fu raccolta presso Costantina da Séjourne, Durieu, Paris, ete. (Cfr. Boissier, Voy. bot. dans le Midi de VEsp., 11, p- 418; De Notaris, Rep. fi. lig., p. 282; Paris, in « Bull. Soc. bot. de Fr. », a 1871). Negli esem- plari africani i peli sono patentissimi, mentre stanno piegati ad arco alV'instt ¢ sono appressati nella pianta del Capo di Noli. Questa diffe- renza si 6 mantenuta costante negli individui delle due forme che \ ho coltivato in condizioni jdentiche a Savona per otto anni conse- *% cutivi, e riprodotti anche per seme. La specie 6 giustamente citata a confermare Vesistenza della Tyrrhenis che doveva collegare le coste - italiane a quelle dell’Africa gettentrionale. (Cfr. Penzig, Fl. lig. syn; 3 a. 1897, p. 460). ROYAL BOTAN! GARDEN| p- 40, in « Ann, Mus. civ. di st. nat. di Gen. », i fh IN. Mezzana. EDINBU Utrecht, 20: /2- 1966 dal mare a circa Det.: F. Saad afl
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Family: Convolvulaceae
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Convolvulus sabatius Viv.
Filing region: Europe excl. Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00499107
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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E00499107 | ai Convolvulus s <b. Ay sy Ze Uf. Hemp pevea: Det.: F. Saad Utrecht, Xo 19.52 | Purchased 1912. | ubpeoclvabliarLteatius tot Oe A Nabe ct te. caya. Noli (Rachors ercanpres) ftaliz.sept.. OE: Fetb ual Lounnat 62% Juin t72.. SOR Dvakwe Sodootinna i.suteip ) : Sabolime fe oot 4 Haber de Giese anicet. [Annee 18 / Det. 2).(. 2009 M. Coe pUC a ; EX HERBARIO DORFLER
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Convolvulaceae
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Convolvulus sabatius Viv.
Filing region: Europe excl. Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00499106
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| N HERB, F. G. CRAWFORD, PRESENTED 1908, BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E00499106 copyright reserved om C, BICKNELL BORDIGHERA Convolvulus Satratcs Vy, Det.: F. Saad Utrecht, — 1967 i ip ee, fe 7. = 7 Cemvalnlans Saloatiura Viv .Sulyp. SodaAras ed Det. ANIC GARDEN M. Gane 211-2009 Ie 28, Order (N°:..77...).Cama
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Convolvulaceae
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Convolvulus sabatius Viv.
Filing region: Europe excl. Britain and Ireland
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00499108
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Convolvulus teu tae Aw. Det.: F. Saad Utrecht, xv 19 ] 5 pS“ Se | 7%. <a m) @ a ke >. - "p Saas tws ————— Convralywat Solootwne Viv . Swe Det. Y Conar Je ) y wi DI V => iy HERBARIUM OF JOHN BALL, F.RB.S. PRESENTED BY HIS TRUSTEES, 1891. Uy, peavodvitid, — Loo baliid - Wa. Gaps Z (tide hy. Via peer 2S. as I i neNaTe Fauci CARDEN tiie atl saa Sap age aes a aia ther Bis > 5: ii MEAT ik 2
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Convolvulaceae
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Convolvulus sabatius subsp. mauritanicus (Boiss.) Murb.
Collector/Expedition: Davis, P.H.
Collection number: 59461
Collection date: 23rd June 1975
Filing region: North Africa
Country/Territory: Algeria
Barcode: E00175220
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Convolvulus sabatius Viv. subsp. mauritanicus (Boiss.) Murbeck Det: M. Carine 111.2009 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURG! wg gy Davis 591.61 Convolvulus ALGERIA. K1: Djurdjura: E. side of Lalla Khedidja, S. of Tizi- N'Kouilal pass.1350-1400 m. Rocky limestone slope with Ampelodesmus. Perennial, prostrate. Flowers lavender-blue. 23 June 195. ROYAL BOTANIC
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Convolvulaceae
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Convolvulus sabatius subsp. mauritanicus (Boiss.) Murb.
Collector/Expedition: Davis, P.H.
Collection number: 59309
Collection date: 20th June 1975
Filing region: North Africa
Country/Territory: Algeria
Barcode: E00175217
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Convolvulus sabatius Viv. subsp. mauritanicus (Boiss.) Murbeck Det: M. Carine 111.2009 Davis 59309 Convolvulus ALGERIA. K1: Djurdjura: between ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN ¢ onglonerate "Hinestone slopes - : erennia railing. owers WO blue, 20’ June 1975. BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH é SS oy Be ae ‘ copyright reserved
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Convolvulaceae
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Convolvulus sabatius subsp. mauritanicus (Boiss.) Murb.
Collector/Expedition: Davis, P.H.
Collection number: 58195
Collection date: 22nd May 1975
Filing region: North Africa
Country/Territory: Algeria
Barcode: E00175216
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i me} ood Pe ee [--7--) GARDEN EDINBURGH Convolvulus sabatius Viv. subsp. mauritanicus (Boiss.) Murbeck Det: M. Carine 111.2009 ROYAL tate CAREER wn 000
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Convolvulaceae
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Convolvulus sabatius subsp. mauritanicus (Boiss.) Murb.
Collector/Expedition: Spence, D.H.N.
Collection number: S84
Collection date: 31st July 1951
Filing region: North Africa
Country/Territory: Morocco
Barcode: E00004739
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Convolvulus ¢$ ef me es VEN. Vavr. % Py) ale Det.: F. Saad “sS Det. Convolvulus sabatius Viv. SAK Ley, lai 2 Yusuf Menemen M.Sc. Pure and Applied Plant and Fungal Taxonomy, University of Reading 1994-1995. Concelrwdu, Sokebius Viv: m\. Mawar os CBevm.) mur.Beeke fe akCoukcuy CR all) Rou ob Tenbh.Aser Déterminé par ‘f. VINDT 13 OCT 195? le Utrecht, 2 ©.j2.196 6 * eee — ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN I 0 eee FLORA OF HoRocco Name Conyol vutuc Sabotius Viv. Locarrry@€AND ATLAS, near Cowan village f Asif Avous HABItTatT Bare en fe ALT. 1G50 m. Remarks Pale blue. Ohh, nee hve and COLLECTOR aH. Wnts Dare 3/ [pbs (14098) Wt.74226/43 10m(4) 3/51 L.& S. G67. Rer. No. C54
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Convolvulaceae
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Convolvulus sabatius subsp. mauritanicus (Boiss.) Murb.
Collector/Expedition: Balls, E.K.
Collection number: B2858
Collection date: 21st June 1936
Filing region: North Africa
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00004738
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COCLO FLORA OF neo No. (4 254 Name b Cuvety hie (erbwtt tig Mer . | xo} Me | Ahlen Aart (Gowed+) ) Prac. | a Native VT We ger ee bag: wot otha ticuid) Bobp, fi | Locality :4 art cy Altitude : F000 Sie rl Habit, Colour, Uses, etc. rj ) > | : Lory fob Irvath hock e ‘ S ; O° | f ] [o) Alb), Collector: E. K. Batts. Date: (61646 Convolvulus s bad in. er y Ver- Wiarey Kee’ CS B 2199.) ? aad Det.: F. Saad Utrecht, xX 194 dA Det. Convolvulus Sabatius Viv. Subs wo. Wrote en Yusuf Menemen anata M.Sc. Pure and Applied Plant and Fungal Taxonomy, University of Reading 1994- 1995, ROYAL, BOTANIC CADARE| ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN NL EDINBURGH. E00004738 ae
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Convolvulaceae
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Convolvulus sabatius subsp. mauritanicus (Boiss.) Murb.
Collector/Expedition: Balls, E.K.
Collection number: B3038
Collection date: 10th July 1936
Filing region: North Africa
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00004737
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FLORA OF MOROCCO No.{3- 3038 Name: Cratebys Nur sob adie faa. Arpaia aan wee entice, | Native Name: os o Zz . rene A ; Locality : $n gy Neale a Altitude: ’ vi fr Cia pods Corel Lanta, = MS» fo f/f ds Collector: E. K. Batts. Date: ‘4 9 Xo Rh 4 |: Convolvulus Aorbolwuo \bw. ek Kom. Von. mown Eaniuny © ban. Det.: F. Saad Utrecht, > 19 | 6 Det. Convolvulus sabatius Viv. Sxl Se eile inte Yusuf Menemen onl kA M.Sc. Pure and Applied Plant and Fungal Taxonomy, University of Reading 1994-1995, ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN ng 0
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Convolvulaceae
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Convolvulus sabatius subsp. mauritanicus (Boiss.) Murb.
Collector/Expedition: Brinklow, & Clayton,
Collection number: 11
Collection date: September 1970
Filing region: North Africa
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00004724
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Det. Convolvulus sabatius Viv. Sess anos Yusuf Menemen r eee M.Sc. Pure and Applied Plant and Fungal Taxonomy, University of Reading 1994-1995 onal PEER ei Patot< ees aaok & copyright reserved Cprr vias sabarlius Ww. Hae aenow Spd. - VO REE | >): Pm, HL Devic HERB. HORT. BOT. REG. EDIN. Convolvulus sorbatius Viv. var. mauritanicus (Boiss.) Soad Morocco, High Atlas; near Imlil Djebel Toubkal Massif. Kit SAT cx ees Sel He or aoe Cano Flowers mauve. Dried up stream bed. lLocalised. wa nO ee Alt. 2100 m. Aug.-Sept. 1970 IOI ML 1 —00004724 Coll. Clayton & Brinklow Now 41
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Convolvulaceae
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Convolvulus sabatius subsp. mauritanicus (Boiss.) Murb.
Collector/Expedition: Stocken, C.M.
Collection number: 64/16
Collection date: 16th May 1964
Filing region: North Africa
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00004721
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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN itu 00 E00004721 Det. Convolvulus sabatius Viv. ah s ules eo. Maun Ventunn Yusuf Menemen M.Sc. Pure and Applied Plant and Fungal Taxonomy, University of Reading 1994-1995. Ex HERB. HORT. BOT. REG. EDIN. Flora of Morocco Convolvulus mauritanicus Boiss. Loc: Jebel Tisuka Dry rocky slopes Fine deep blue colour Date: 16th May 1964 Alt: 41300 m Coll: C. M. Stocken No: 64/46
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Convolvulaceae
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Convolvulus sabatius subsp. mauritanicus (Boiss.) Murb.
Collector/Expedition: Jahandiez, É.
Collection number: 308
Collection date: 31st May 1927
Filing region: North Africa
Country/Territory: Morocco
Barcode: E00004720
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SOR Det. Convolvulus sabatius Viv. sul sp solo w+ Yusuf Menemen M.Sc. Pure and Applied Plant and Fungal Taxonomy, nts University of Reading 1994-1995. j 4 3 3 2 wr] j WOaAz (e} 4 parcel xo] (3) Pa is oO | 7) ® , _~ fi oa we (os fe} cS) 4 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN nq 000 E00004720 ROYAL 20TANiC GARDEN EDINBURGH. Convolvulus Sabot fs Ua). Det.: F. Saad Utrecht, ©
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Convolvulaceae
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Convolvulus sabatius subsp. mauritanicus (Boiss.) Murb.
Filing region: North Africa
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00507207
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Eg me re GARDEN EDINBURGH copyright reserved a Davis 52982 Convolvulus mau claret Convoliviet soleotun vee ALGERTA 2: P te § Bs a TA« K2 : Pie dé Singes, at vilawp, Mosnn huni vas ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Bejaia (Bougie). 250 m. Richs Line stone rocks. Perennial. Prostrate Det. M Gas 211-2005 | ILI | Flowers blue. 29th May 1971.
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Convolvulaceae
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Convolvulus sabatius subsp. mauritanicus (Boiss.) Murb.
Filing region: North Africa
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00507208
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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Convelvwwiat Sodentiur Doleep Maveonauas M Carne 2-1-2009 Davis 53070 Convolvulus an aunrlonr oh bor ALGRRIA. K1 : Dj, Djurdjure, near Tikjde. ec, 1400 m. S. slopes ~ dry limestone banks ete, Perennial. Prostrate, Flowers lavender-biue, 3rd. June 197i.
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Convolvulaceae
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Convolvulus sabatius subsp. mauritanicus (Boiss.) Murb.
Filing region: North Africa
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00507209
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Convolwds Soueotius Sulegp. Movrilinioas ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN oemeenemaemeettiioee ee pias EDINBURGH Det.M . Quang 2); 2005 II | Davis 5265 Convolvulus arannd Von oud ALGHRIZ. K2 : Chabet el Akra Gorge Jurassic limestone) below Kherrata Setif-Bejaia). 300-400 m. Rocky slopes. Perennial. Prostrate. Flowers blue, 23rd May 1971. 9 rs) ti so o ra Fell oe 7) Fd La &: ce po ES 2 ° a)
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Convolvulaceae
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Convolvulus sabatius subsp. mauritanicus (Boiss.) Murb.
Filing region: North Africa
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00507210
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Consolvwluat Solootiiar Sylesp. Mownitonicul penne ee eae came nr RTE ROWAL Penne GARDEN RGH E00507210 | Det. MW .Gaac Q):i-2009 | Davis 52087 wr \ dr crs Gonvolvulus “\~ ALGERIA. H2°: 30 km from Constantine)! to Setif. 700 m. Rocky limestone slopes facing S. (Plants wilting). Perennial, procumbent. Flowers lavender blue. Sth May 1971. copyright reserved
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Convolvulaceae
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Convolvulus sabatius subsp. mauritanicus (Boiss.) Murb.
Filing region: North Africa
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00507212
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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH Q RIO By ROYAL PO LANIGIGAREEN copyright reserved Precast rams PROYAL BOTANIC ¢ + GARDEN - EDINBURGH Convolvwha: Swleodvat Sulaup . Mauationi was | Euisee REVERCHON — PLANTES D’ALGERIE KABYLIE 1896 Det. M.tomra 21. 1+ 2009 | ze j a ) mi : ed 190 y — Ne 166. q Purchss , Ans Convolvulus mauritanicus Boiss. Convolvulus Safle “us b, aE wv / ie, lieux arides, sur le calcaire. XL 196 Bougie, f Det.: F. Saad Utrecht, —§ 7 : : _ Mai.
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Convolvulaceae
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Convolvulus sabatius subsp. mauritanicus (Boiss.) Murb.
Filing region: North Africa
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00507211
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ae Se eye) a GARDEN EDINBURGH ),- Convolvulus Saba, AS a Vat: wart Jenmcars ( Boss. at: Det.: F. Saad Utrecht, ~*~ 193% et.: F. y Sa a: of es, - 9 Mite entice tte Jo ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Bae ce ok Llger VIA Cpe EDINBURGH 4 : 2 | | | | | | : mee ‘ 2 i ar a | \ E00507211 HERBARIUM OF JOHN BALL, F.R.S. ionten:) PRESENTED By HIS Trustuus, 1891. [ROY ay wy 4 oy ohne ms; | \ ° Ss ° « BAad A i Ay Li H Committ Sodeosaint leap . Menari hand tat | orem Det. M. Canna Zl 2009
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Convolvulaceae
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Convolvulus sabatius subsp. sabatius
Collector/Expedition: Davis, P.H.
Collection number: 54809
Collection date: 5th July 1973
Filing region: North Africa
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00004690
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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN ng 00 Convolvulus sabatius Viv. subs e+ Moa ro Yeniew Det. Yusuf Menemen M.Sc. Pure and Applied Plant and Fungal Taxonomy, University of Reading 1994-1995. Davis 54809 Convolvulus MOROCCO. Rz J, Tisouka, above Xanen (limestone). 1000 m. Rocky lime stone slopese Prostrate perennial. Flowers lavender blue. 5 July 1973.
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Convolvulaceae
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Convolvulus sabatius subsp. sabatius
Filing region: North Africa
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00507213
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Det. iil eee nee win Convulvubat snloobist slarp. sodowhias Det. Conre 21-1 2609
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Convolvulaceae
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Convolvulus sabatius subsp. sabatius
Filing region: North Africa
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00507214
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BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH ConvolvwAat Salootime Viv warp sodoahiat Det: Gree, Al -|- 2009 Convolvulus <= hay - Cr. Det.: F. Saad Utrecht, ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH lI E00507214 | | HERBARIUM NORMALE. editum ab I. Dérfler. 3346. Convolvulus Sabatius Viviani, Florae Lybieae specimen, p. 67 (1824). Talia. Liguria. Prope ,Capo di Noli.“ (Locus classicus !) Majo 1895. leg. Cl. Bicknell. Parchased 1897,
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