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Family: Rosaceae
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Pyrus syriaca Boiss.
Collector/Expedition: Davis, P.H.
Collection number: 44666
Collection date: 8th June 1966
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Turkey
Barcode: E00408548
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PSAJ9S9/ ]Y Fyre Fe Bors, Determinavit IO S30 lil bo 70] | ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E00408548 Davis 41,666 Pyrus TURKEY, C10 Hakkari: 9 km gs fro the Hakkari/Yuksekova roag ’ junction, 1550 m. Rocky § Slope km tree. 6 June 1966 “=
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Rosaceae
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Pyrus syriaca Boiss.
Collector/Expedition: Davis, P.H.
Collection number: 45567
Collection date: 27th June 1966
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Turkey
Barcode: E00408549
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QO fe, ©) = 3 fe) > = = tv) no @ E 4 © a. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E00408549 | O41 Sey CTA CON Boer ¢ GC | —— Determinavit £ Donita v0 ug Davis 45567 Pyrus TURKEY.C10 Hakkari: Sat Dagi, petween Yiiksekova and Vareggz, 1900-2000 m. Rocky slope. Smajj tree. Wild? 27 June 1966,
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Rosaceae
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Pyrus syriaca Boiss.
Collector/Expedition: Davis, P.H.
Collection number: 45179
Collection date: 18th June 1966
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Turkey
Barcode: E00408550
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ok J. Tht 2 ihe / 7202 sae 25 os Been Determinavit A~ 4y 5 ivie — 70.1. Tb F ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E00408550
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Rosaceae
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Pyrus syriaca Boiss.
Collector/Expedition: Davis, P.H.
Collection number: 44300
Collection date: 19th May 1966
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Turkey
Barcode: E00408551
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Pres ay meee Poaidl Determinavit K: poo wrl2 CO ATP ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURG! E004085 H 51 EY.B9.Bitlis: Kictiksu, Tatvan.1700 m. Field, tree, with rounded Hlowers white Ce. ivated? 19 May 1966,
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Rosaceae
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Pyrus syriaca Boiss.
Collector/Expedition: Davis, P.H.
Collection number: 45273
Collection date: 18th June 1966
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Turkey
Barcode: E00408552
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er=y,Wl-t-t-3 BLE] 0) B/Ce (ere) Davis 45273 Ayrus LY HOA CA S301 SS. Pyrus TURKEY.C10 Hakkari: Bajirge. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN 1700-1800 m. Dry stony slopes. lh. m shrub or small tree. Determinavit K A2¢ nit ' | | I 18 June 1966. E00408552
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Rosaceae
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Pyrus syriaca Boiss.
Collector/Expedition: Tobey, C.
Collection number: 923
Collection date: 1st May 1965
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Turkey
Barcode: E00408553
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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E00408553 | | Lyris wkd TACK (sotss ; . fy ‘ Determinavit ae wile Ae TPe ay Nos 923 FLORA Name; Pyrus Vilayet: Samsun Locality: Havza (Sekizg6éz) Alt: 1000 meters Habitats Northern exposure, rather heavily soiled pocket. Notes: Thin, lanceolate, serrate, light— colored leaves. Small bushy trees. Date: May 1, 1965 ¥a Coll. C, Tobey vex copyright reserved
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Rosaceae
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Pyrus syriaca Boiss.
Collector/Expedition: Haines, R.W.
Collection date: 22nd June 1957
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Iraq
Barcode: E00408554
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ex- YAW =t-5-3 Bib | 6] BVVe (ere) Zi) SVX A ca f0tss Determinavit K Bee Lite ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH ll) em Oe RA | | | E00408554 COLIEL, R. WHEELER HAINES j amen cnie FLORA OF (RAQ NAME Locality Koper Kara dag shererereeemneenneeaenmeentaineannememmmmenmnennelutes IT AT Att. 5900 te. ARKS peg udu wr oat forests Ww | slopes, but fw Un fru . DATE Le. be 4s)
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Rosaceae
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Pyrus syriaca Boiss.
Collector/Expedition: Coode, M.J.E. & Jones, B.M.G.
Collection number: 1178
Collection date: 18th May 1965
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Turkey
Barcode: E00408555
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FLORA or TURKEY M.J.E.COODE and B.M.G.JONES. Pyrus C6 MARAS : Akifiye, 15 miles north of Andirin, 1500 m. Field edge. Tree, ~-¢. 10° m: flowers white. PeAsesss JUBUAdOS N@ : 1178 18 MAY 1965 — YY AS SV¥HTACH ee , ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH Yeterminavit K Ayo ee | : A Brow'ee 70.1796) 00408555 |
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Rosaceae
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Pyrus syriaca Boiss.
Collector/Expedition: Davis, P.H.
Collection number: 44710
Collection date: 10th June 1966
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Turkey
Barcode: E00408556
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p24 O < © = A pa © fy vUuS Jy ACR ols ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Determinavit K Aro vice Davis 44710 Pyrus TBRKEY. C10 Hakkari: nr. junction of Van-Hakkari/Yuksekova roads, 4700 m. Limestone gorge of Zap, nr. river. ‘Small tree, 40 June 1966
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Rosaceae
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Pyrus syriaca Boiss.
Collector/Expedition: Zohary, M.
Collection number: 2173
Collection date: 17th August 1959
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Turkey
Barcode: E00408557
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/ox=Y, WE t-t-3 Be L8 1 0) ByCe fore) ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E00408557 9 fitilia SW OP932N AD ONE IAN Moor - ¥ HERBARIUM UNIVERSITATIS HEBRAICAE HIEROSOLYMITANAR LYRICA rueas Siakeaishiee ss Ne 2/83 (Se A aA om V4 bie esis, Ah. masa Lee * Dat aie
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Rosaceae
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Pyrus syriaca Boiss.
Collector/Expedition: Davis, P.H.
Collection number: 9464
Collection date: 2nd May 1945
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Jordan
Barcode: E00408558
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ex-y,Wi-t-r-¥ Ul o} By, Ce (oye) ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Fyre Syrnen Born. Determinavit Y. Browrie , L164 FLORA OF ~ GANS 59RD AW. NAME Riawnniit LOCALITY Aan ALT. HABITAT — Pinehin halopenss, Remarks @ ed brees (ita?) Couuecror ?, WN. Daws. Rer No. Uhbly DATE PEE 4 us”
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Rosaceae
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Pyrus syriaca Boiss.
Collector/Expedition: Post, G.E.
Collection date: May 1871
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Lebanon
Barcode: E00408559
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° {e) xe} < po Ko} Py a - A) 7) @ s 4 i) 2. Fazer 2 eae a ix Herb. Postian. apud Colleg. Syriens. Protes Saas al ) hs Pan e CE £22222207 32 te a ous risen. Peer Determinavit “ Browe , of-1-64 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH I E00408559
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Rosaceae
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Pyrus syriaca Boiss.
Collector/Expedition: Blanche, C.I.
Collection number: 213
Collection date: 6th March 1866
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Lebanon
Barcode: E00408560
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peAssses UBIUAdOS ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E00408560 | Pan : N-< @13 Svrer Wey 6 nn (3 op, Se gyn e a : ( Chan fee & a o ; a O Praasf GCC A Oe ie L dS” LL FZ, AA 7s <
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Rosaceae
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Pyrus syriaca Boiss.
Collector/Expedition: Post, G.E.
Collection date: 7th June 1871
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Lebanon
Barcode: E00408561
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P28AI9S94 JUDILAGOS Es g -ZEH ee @ Ex Herb. Postian, apud Colleg. Syriens. Protest. : ip, 2 Ly FrA Z Crm mae £7 SEY Act ~meoe 4 Ma as ‘ YE... pee. wt, Sy, SIA Ca Bouin Determinavit K Brower ,2 1.64 Owe Se ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E00408561
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Rosaceae
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Pyrus syriaca Boiss.
Collector/Expedition: Post, G.E.
Collection date: 29th May 1871
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Lebanon
Barcode: E00408562
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Gy. Syncn Bow Determinavit % Browa «2/. 6G ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E00408562 |
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Rosaceae
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Pyrus syriaca Boiss.
Collector/Expedition: Post, G.E.
Collection date: 28th May 1871
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Lebanon
Barcode: E00408563
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ox YB E-t-5-3 Ble 10] BUX e [exe] sy Cs fyv2ta- ), T e Determinavit - W162, of 6G Fe wie - Ex Herb. Postian. apud Colleg. Syriens. Protest Y 4) Fite 272225, io / : as ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN ag EDINBURGH af | | | | -: VJ t24-te an els 2 / ae Jf E00408563
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Family: Rosaceae
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Pyrus syriaca Boiss.
Collector/Expedition: Davis, P.H.
Collection number: D38523
Collection date: 30th July 1962
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Turkey
Barcode: E00408564
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PeAs9se4 JUHUAGOS | ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E0040 8564 | Determinavit 4-0 vice , 27M E63 HERB. HORT.c BOTLREG. EDIN:
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Family: Rosaceae
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Pyrus syriaca Boiss.
Collector/Expedition: Bornmüller, J.F.N. & Bornmüller, F.
Collection number: 11775
Collection date: 27th June 1910
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Lebanon
Barcode: E00408565
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Oo {e) U ml 2. > i aa = @O ey 7) | < i) 2. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN J. BORNMULLER: Iter Syriacum II (1910) Hees ltd ——————— No. 11775. Pirus Syriaca Boiss. In Libani borealis declivitatibus orientalibus silvaticis, inter Der-el-Ahmar et Aineta. 27,—28, VIE 10: leg. J. et. F. Bornmiller. alt. 15—1800 m. s. m.
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Family: Rosaceae
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Pyrus syriaca Boiss.
Collector/Expedition: Haradjian, M.
Collection number: 3981
Collection date: 15th May 1910
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Turkey
Barcode: E00408566
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P2eAJ9S91. JUBDLAGOS | ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E00408566 fo Urn tea> SY PACA c Ba 22, Determinavit 4. Ao, C2 Xr M63 Duplicatum ex Conservyatorio Botanico Genevensi Manooa HARADJIAN Plantce Syric borealis cura Herbarii Delessertiani edite. IGF ¢ Ry reed elaeagrifolia Tall, | ae Rech, 56 wb. : Cartel. (Celt thle off Leuital 2. S070." ie CE. EO anrar2 1 10
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Rosaceae
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Pyrus syriaca Boiss.
Collector/Expedition: Lamond, J.M.
Collection number: 4535
Collection date: 6th July 1971
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Iran
Barcode: E00408567
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‘Se oa i E00408: til ult K. H. RECHINGER, ITER ORIENTALE 1971 FLORA OF PERSIA Fyrus syrisca Berss. Prov. inc c. 90 kn east side of pass) from sanandas fo Deol Shabpusr (Masiv Grazed —— in Quercus scrub, Small trees 5-225 m 1650— Alt. c. i m 6 July 1971 No. 4535 Coll. Jennifer Lamond
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Rosaceae
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Pyrus syriaca Boiss.
Collector/Expedition: Browicz, K. & Zielinski, J.
Collection number: 194
Collection date: 14th May 1975
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Turkey
Barcode: E00408568
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° [e] Oo 4 pe Co] 7 = P| @o o cv) | 4 iJ a. ACADEMIA SCIENTIARUM POLONA Herbarium Dendrologice !nstituti Kérnik OINVLOG TVAOU ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E00408568 | ITER TURCICO — IRANICUM 1975 |ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN DINBURGH will E00408568 | | 9 copyright reserved ray A Ainge Passilt ~ ter acon a I gs q turejae Vil.idamas. iilita iitone tréw ma zachod od azrinendore / droga Silitike= wt/ ,pozudniows 2a, chocni.e 1A. el 97S 194. K. Browicz J. Zielinski ITER TURCICO — IRANICUM 1975
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Rosaceae
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Pyrus syriaca Boiss.
Collection date: 13th April 1954
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Israel
Barcode: E00408569
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HERB. HORT. EDINB C27 62.9% 10 copyright reserved BOTANIC G DINBURG a KK 00408569 EX HERB. UNIV. HIEROSOLYM. rg MD>wiT NAY AMO NAINA nay 3 FLORA PALAESTINAE Sk ee yun. cgrsat te MBean. toe 2h poe. alle, ahi Merriom.... WN ah ag Jone efor SND. BONE... a Nie basa-ms “ray a
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Rosaceae
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Pyrus syriaca Boiss.
Collector/Expedition: Stapf, O.
Collection date: 2nd May 1885
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E00408570
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ox-YAWI-S-t-3 Bebo] BY Xe lere) HERB. MUSEI HIST. NATUR. VINDOB. youn glabra o9tSs > ~ A ~~ 19.6 6 det./rev. ¥ , Cdver he fer “try z ' XS SA \N/VAO 35 a A ix Herb. O. Stapf. "ies 3, ; 2 VYUMD Syttacq, CDvia EDINBURGH c ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN il Purchased 1898. MM E00408570 Ap soba (Bom Bom | Determinavit A* Arg ww 70.0 1bp
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Rosaceae
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Pyrus syriaca Boiss.
Collector/Expedition: Davis, P.H.
Collection number: 45016
Collection date: 16th June 1966
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Turkey
Barcode: E00408571
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i?) 2) ©) = s © > ~~ = A on A = .~ bs 2. Ayu Syyia fan (DONS. 2 Aa ka VIANK foro wit Determinavit KX Prow os 2 O16 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E00408571
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Rosaceae
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Pyrus syriaca Boiss.
Collector/Expedition: Rechinger, K.H. & Rechinger, F.
Collection number: 5774
Collection date: 14th July 1948
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Iran
Barcode: E00408572
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VW ET-T-3 Bele] By Colors pe ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E00408572 HERB. MUSEI HIST. NATUR. VINDOB. Pp ees 19.65. det./rev. of. ip. lined K. H. et F. RECHINGER, ITER IRANICUM IL, 1948 Prov. LURIST AN: Bisheh, 50 km a Khorramabad orientem versus, substr. cale., ca. 1200—1400 m bt SAL 19.56 14.—16. VII. No. SP PL
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Rosaceae
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Pyrus syriaca Boiss.
Collector/Expedition: Takhtadzhjan, A., Gozheva, N. & Czerepanov, S.
Collection number: 3968
Collection date: July 1950
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Armenia
Barcode: E00408573
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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E00408573 9" 10 copyright reserved a TEPBAPHHA OUOPHB CCCP, U38HABAEMBI4 BOTAHHYECKMM UHCTUTYTOM uo, B. JI. KOMAPOBA AKATIEMMM HAYEK CCCP 3968. Pyrus syriaca Boiss. Diagn. pl. or. nov. 1,9, p. 1 (1849). —D c ne, Jard. frut. du Museum, p. 320 (1871—1872). —B oiss. Fl. or. II, p. 655 (1872). — K oehne, Deutsch. Dendrol. p. 244 (1893).—C. K. Schneid. Handb. d. Laubholzk. 1, p. 659 (1906). —Measeg. Jlep. ma xycr. Kann. crp. 129 (1919). -Bopou. B Tp. mpukn. Gor. XIV, 3, crp. 129 (1924—1925).—Post, FI. of Syria, Palest. a. Sinai I, p. 454 (1932). —Diapulis in Fedde, Repert. sp. nov. XXXIV, p. 38 (1933). —[ pocer. Ox. Kap. IV, erp. 286 (1934). —M a- azees Bo Mnope CCCP IX, crp. 350 (1939).—T pocecr. Ompeg. pacr. Kap. crp. 74 (1949). —K y K op cK. Kyapr. pact. m ux copoqmun, crp. 303. (1950). -Meyn. sn Cocnosper. nu Maxatags3e, Kparx. ompeg. pep. u xycr. Apmaucr. CCP, erp. 26 (1950). —@ e q. B Mar. Conem. Oor. u cenexn. I, erp. 133 (1951). —[ pocer. Ox. Kasr., 2 uag. V, erp. 22 (1952). —D eg. B Jlep. u xycr. CCCP., III, erp. 404 (1954). -O eq. so On. Asepbatax. V, erp. 45 (1954). —P. nobilis Kotschy in Verhandl. d. Zoologisch.- Botan. Ges. Wien, p. 499 (1864) nomen. Vsqapaemple 9K3eMIIApbl UpelcrannaAior coool BuOMHe THNMIHYIO P. syriaca, Berpeiaioujyioca B mpeyetax CCCP ammb B lOxHoM SakaBKasse. K Ouauxaiimemy cpoyctBy »sToro Bula oTHOCATCA ouMcaHHBe c HKaprasa P. zangezura Maleev, P. Voronovii Rubtz., P. nutans Rubtz. It sage B Gy/ymem, Mocue ux NoOApoOHOrO usyYeHMA B Ipupose, BO8MOKHO, UpMerca OOBeRMHUTh WO OHM U TeM +e HasBaHuem, T. e. P. syriaca. Buyamn, 6onee CHIbHO OTMMUAIOMMMUCA oT THUMIHOM P. syriaca, aBAIOTCAH: P. oxy- prion Woron., P. Sosnovskyi Fed. nexoropsle Apyrue. PacnpeyemeHue Bcex 9TUX BUOB B UpUpose WoKasbiBaer, UTO THMMIHAA P. syriaca MW OH CXOMHEIE c Heo P. zangezura, P. Voronovii u P. nutans cBolicTBeHubl MpeuMymecTBeHHO onymKaM flyOoBbIxX mecoB B ropax 1oxHO Apmenuu (ocodeHHO Sanresyp u Jlapanares). [[pyrue sunt, 7. e. P. Sosnovskyi, P. oxyprion, ctperawrca HCKTIOYNTEALHO B OesecHOi, apuAHOM OONacTH M MpwypoveHI K PopManuu JIMCTBeHHOrO uM xe apyeBoro peqKouecba. [pm stom ranmunan P. syriaca BcTpewaercA B JecHoM 30He Y BepxHell, cyOambuniicKoln ee rpanunn. Takum o0pa3zoM, Bub pAjla Syriacae Maleev, upexcrapnenubire Ha HaBkasze, ABIIAIOTCA XOpOMIMM UpMMepoM pacupesewenuA O1U3KO POACTBEHHEIX BYOB Ha OMHOit u Toil #e reorpapuuecKkoH TeppUTOpuu, HO B COBepMeHHO pasIM4HBIX 9KOIO- ruyecKux yCOBHAX. An. MDeop os. ApMAHCKAA CCP, Asus0ekoBckui p-H, B OKp. ropaxyux UCTOUHMKOB Jfxepmyk (OsrBmt. Mcrn-Cy). Ha omymme xy6oporo seca. Co6p. A. T a x- ranman, H. Tomespa u C. GYepenanos.—Armenia, in districtu Azizbekov, juxta thermas Dzhermuk (olim Isti-Su). Ad margines querceti. Leg. A. Takhtadzhian, N. GozhevaetS. Czere- p anov. 1950 VII.
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Rosaceae
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Pyrus syriaca Boiss.
Collector/Expedition: Davis, P.H.
Collection number: 45085
Collection date: 15th June 1966
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Turkey
Barcode: E00408574
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F vouas “yrs (ors f ig Determinavit ,“. 370 Win 75M) of | ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E00408574 | TURKEY, C10 Hakkari: 32 km from 4 ; ee s Yuksekova to Semd@inli, 1750 m wr + r Tr Sma * f ows in valley, ‘Small trees, 3 ea O66 de 15 June 1966
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Rosaceae
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Pyrus syriaca Boiss.
Collector/Expedition: Coode, M.J.E. & Jones, B.M.G.
Collection number: 938
Collection date: 13th May 1965
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Turkey
Barcode: E00408575
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ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E00408575 | - “4 rw oe Mon (ows. Mm: Mino Mar Cord, ex BA Determinavit KEES < . CFL FLORA or TURKEY M.J.E.COODE and B.M.G.JONES. D> Pyrus Cc 4 [CEC Muts 26 sas N. of Mut on Karaman road, 1400 m. Roadside. Tree, 10 m; flowers white. N2: 938 13 MAY 1965
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Rosaceae
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Pyrus syriaca Boiss.
Collector/Expedition: Yaltirik, F.
Collection number: 4080
Collection date: 20th September 1965
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Turkey
Barcode: E00408576
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° ° Ko) < pe Co} =% onal | @ ar yr we | ~ i) for ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E00408576 Pyros S77 (Ace Boris = Det. D. Chambule 1920 HERBARIUM BAHCEKOY istanbul Universitesi Orman Fakiiltesi Botanik Kiirsiisii (ISTO) Pyrus syriacum L,. Nom. nnaieettasteea Grea, Teor e a — Loc. | MAP@Sy 44/1, ~~ $iileymanli (zeytun),~ Hab. | Kurudag, Ra : 1200 m, | te. | Dr.F.Yaltirik, 20.9.1965 | ee ae Noz 4080 cee ___
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Family: Rosaceae
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Pyrus syriaca Boiss.
Collector/Expedition: Akman, Y.
Collection number: 157
Collection date: 25th September 1967
Filing region: West Asia and Egypt
Country/Territory: Turkey
Barcode: E00408577
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ox=Wt=l-t- 3 Be LUL 6) BY,Xe (eye) ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E00408577 Herbarium Turcicum Ankara Universitesi Fen Fakiiltesi Botanik Enstitiisii Fam, > Nom. ; Cy -vas Sal whies bers (vm 2)
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