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Family: Euphorbiaceae
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Euphorbia canariensis L.
Filing region: NE Atlantic Islands
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01090582
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om & Mowrgeou, Blawtee Camarionde, 0 Ay, Cupho bua Conariendid , Lic, bs cine fa: ge piaeitionts Dens MAS. * f . bi ? > ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Li L E01090583 HERBARIUM OF JOHN BALL, F.RS. PRESENTED BY HIS TRUSTEES, 1891. E. BOURGEAU, PL. CANARIENSES (ex itinere secundo) 1855. 1517, EUPHORBIA CANARIENSIS L, — Phyt. Can. II, 255. Gay.) Teneriffa : in rupestribus maritimis vulgatissima, é = 48 februar.-20 magtii. 10 copyright reserved Me@e@eQ@564
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IIIF Manifest
Family: Euphorbiaceae
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Euphorbia canariensis L.
Filing region: NE Atlantic Islands
Country/Territory: Not recorded
Barcode: E01090583
Label data partially captured
copyright reserved ’ 3 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Li E01090583 am ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Le = E01090582 HERBARIUM OF JOHN BALL, F.RS. PRESENTED BY HIS TRUSTEES, 1891. & Dowcgeou, OF ake, Camariensey, M1 Ags, E. BOURGEAU, PL. CANARIENSES (ex itinere secundo) 1855. > O . ’ AL ee eee Cupho bua Qnarienid ) ie, 4517. EUPHORBIA CANARIENSIS L,— Phyt. Can. Ill, 255. A righ: pa . (J. Gay.) * 18 februar.-20 magtii. G Pe bie , pigs! Teneriffa : in rupestribus maritimis vulgatissima. + 4 Ad . CNA fa: A pea ws is qnaritin Amis ASAE. ; -
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet
IIIF Manifest
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