Search the RBGE herbarium catalogue

currently 50% of the total herbarium collection is data based.
Check this box to only return specimens that are types
Check this box to only return specimens that have images
Check this box to only return specimens from cultivated material
Check this box to only return specimens from non-cultivated material

Enter search terms into the appropriate fields. A combination of fields can be used to build more specific queries.

  • Search text is not case sensitive
  • '*' can be used as wildcard character at the beginning, end or within any of any search values.
    For example, to search for all genera starting with 'Gent', enter gent* in the genus field.
  • Multiple search criteria in the same field should be separated by the word 'or'.
    For example, to look up both Gentiana and Rhododendron, enter gentiana or rhododendron in the Genus field.
  • When searching by taxon:
    • The search will be carried out under the name specified. The results will return specimen records determined to that name and any of its synonyms. The results of a search using a synonym will only return records currently determined to that name.
    • Search results will also return records for any type specimens of the name even if the type specimens are not currently determined to the name specified.
  • When searching by collector:
    • To search for specimens collected by a specific collector, enter the family name of the collector, eg Darwin. To narrow down the results, add the given name, eg Darwin Charles.
      • The wildcard * can be used in any part of the name.
      • It is also possible to use the Boolean terms AND and OR in the search, eg Darwin AND Robert to find specimens collected by Charles Robert Darwin
    • To search for specimens collected by an expedition, enter all or part of the expedition name.
    • To search for specimens collected by a group of collectors, enter any one of the individuals in the group.

Citing our specimens

Examples of how to cite individual specimens:

Type: Yunnan, Forrest 12408 (holo: E
Type: Yunnan, Forrest 12408 (holo: E E00316173)
“… a specimen of Betula pendula from the Herbarium of the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh (E) ( …”
"… a specimen of Betula pendula from the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh (RBGE) (E00316173) "

For Artists:

This (project/work) (used/was inspired by) specimens from the Herbarium of the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh (E).

Licence Information

Data: CC0 1.0
Images CC BY 4.0

Nagoya Protocol Compliance

Please note that from 12th October 2014 plant material requested from RBGE may be subject to Prior Informed Consent from the country of origin. Any permissions and conditions of use will be advised before release and if there are any restrictions it will not be made available.

Historic content warning

Please note that our collections contain historic materials which may contain, either in their content or catalogue descriptions, terminology which is inappropriate, outdated, offensive or distressing. Such information does not reflect the current views and values of RBGE.
We welcome feedback about the language in our catalogues. While we cannot change fixed attributes connected to items in the collection (e.g. published titles, names or contents) we will always consider requests for changes to be made to other aspects of the records in our catalogues. Requests for changes to the catalogues can be submitted by email. []