Family: Primulaceae
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Primula nana Wall.
Name Det. qual. Type of det. Det. based on specimen Det. by and when Institution
Primula edgeworthii (Hook.f.) PaxFideE00024658
Primula edgeworthii (Hook.f.) PaxFideE00024659
Primula saxicola CraibDet.E00024659Craib, W.G. May 1916
Isosyntype of Primula saxicola Craib
Collector/Expedition: Drummond, James Ramsey
Collection number: 8925
Collection date: 21st May 1888
Country/Territory: India:Himachal Pradesh
Collecting locality: India:Himachal Pradesh:ad scopulos umbrosise. 5000 In ascensu versus Kot, inter montes Seoraj did Kulu
Description: Not specified
Kind of specimen: HERBARIUM SHEET
Barcode: E00024659
Herbarium region: 5A (India, Bangladesh & Pakistan)
Number of sheets: 1
Associated material:
Herbarium sheetE00024658
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet